Making Time Behave

With the busyness of modern life and my work goals crashing head-long into the demands of the holiday season, I’m occasionally finding myself on the edge of overwhelm wondering just how all that I need and want to take care of will, in fact, happen. Stress is more of a paralyzer than motivator for me. I have an intense need to be in flow (well don’t we all?). I find that if I am disconnected from the flow, I actually get less done rather than more.

It all comes down to my relationship to time: how I experience it and how spend it. Time can stretch or contract depending on which level of consciousness I view it from. When I perceive life from a higher level of consciousness, what I call 5D consciousness, being in the flow is a natural byproduct. I’m able to mosey through my day and do things as they arise. I find that my creativity flows, all gets done and I feel open, relaxed and content. If I am in a more contracted state of mind, my experience is more like spinning in place, feeling out of sync and unfocused.

So, I’m pondering what it is that helps me be in the flow verses being in the overwhelm, or put another way, in 5D verses 3D consciousness. Quieting my mind is first and foremost. Taking several deep centering breaths. Doing yoga. Writing out what needs to be done, and starting to tackle it. But what works the very best for me is taking the time to journal on those pesky thoughts and feelings, essentially giving them to the computer screen (or paper). This consistently work wonders for me.

I understand that for many of you it may seem difficult to just take the ‘time’ to do these things, even to find out what works best for you, but from my experience, it is a wonderful way to shift out of linear time and into perceptual time where you can trust in the cycle of things, stay present and alert, get more done and know that things will all work out as needed and that there is always enough time.

If you are a person who commits to too much, I urge you to extract yourself from some of those obligations as soon as possible. I also encourage you to use your own creativity to keep, return or put yourself in that flow.

The whole concept of a holiday season is the idea that we can step out of our ordinary life, that we can take a break, a vacation from our routines and demands. Ironic because for so many, it has just the opposite effect. We all deserve that break. We all deserve to feel flow in our lives and we all have the power to ultimately make time behave.

Remember, joy is our birth right and transforming the beliefs, attitudes and physical demands that rob us of this joy in our lives deserves to be a high priority. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a 2018 that fulfills your highest vision. But most important: HAVE A GOOD TIME.