I have just emerged from a powerful Shakti women’s retreat run by Linda Star Wolf.  A circle of 25 women, over a period of 3-1/2 days, gathered to own and activate our Shakti, the Sacred Feminine Force of Creation.  In 3D, Shakti power is activated from our womb whether from the physical womb or from the etheric womb carried by both men and women. The activated energy then gets run through the heart to prepare it to emerge in its most loving and highly evolved form into the world.  Its manifestation is limitless and is part of our most intimate sexual expression as well as our individualized passion to join in the collective transformation of our Planet.

Our collective separation and therefore disconnection from Oneness is the ultimate source of pain and suffering in our world.  It is the ultimate source of the distorted psyche which wants to dominate others, and rape and pillage Mother Earth for ephemeral financial gain.  Activating our Shakti with the intent of helping ourselves as well as all others reconnect, is a force that simply cannot be stopped.

Shakti is rising all over the planet whether through the “pussy power” of the Women’s March, or the planetary rise of the Sacred Feminine which is showing up in a myriad of ways.  Shakti carries the energy of death and rebirth, helping us release with ease all that needs to die to the new, and ultimately leads us to
unity where we understand and honor that we are all part of one another with the full understanding that when one of us is suffering, we all suffer.

This force is surging around our globe and if enough of us can bring our fully activated Shakti energy through our hearts and show up at the “party”, the old dysfunction will fall away and a New Earth based on love, harmony, peace as well as honor and respect for all of life will step into ascendence. Once this happens, I believe that in a blink of an eye we will heal all the old trauma both personal and planetary, and we will create a world of exquisite beauty where all have their needs met and simultaneously are able and excited do their part, and to share their gifts.

The message for me from my womb was “it is time for the Breakthrough, time to be as big as I am.”  And breaking through means breaking out of old beliefs and restrictions, activating courage and inner trust to be fully in your power, to have full access to your Shakti so that you too will be making the contribution your soul came here to make.

Speaking of breaking out and breaking through, I want to invite you all to consider joining the new circle for our Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School that Carley Mattimore and I are teaching in IL.  Our first circle has been so amazing and so visionary, we felt Called to begin a second one this April.  There are still spaces available. See the flyer below and click here for detailed information.  Entering these mysteries will help you step into the human you were always meant to be.  Register by March 1st for the early bird discount.

Check out my “Sunday Phone Classes to Ease Your Way.”  My next offering is “Allowing Loved Ones Their Journey,” on Sunday, February 11th from noon – 1 EST.  I hope you will join me.

And last, but not least, scroll down to the very bottom to see offerings from some of my favorite soul sisters.