Leap and Grow Wings
A few days ago, I had made a delightful re-connection with a woman who I counseled close to 30 years ago, just before she moved away and we lost touch. Through synchronicity, she later became a student of my soul sister and now neighbor, Anyaa McAndrew, and in a random conversation they discovered they both shared a connection with me.
This week she was visiting Isis Cove and we got to catch up in person.  We talked about what we remembered of each other.  She told me something I said back then that had stayed with her and she that she had shared with many people.
At the time, she was struggling with an image of herself standing at the edge of a cliff.  If she turned back she would be going into a dark, dense place that no longer served her, but if she went forward she would fall off the cliff. I suggested that she leap and simultaneously grow wings.  And so she did.

The Universe works in such interesting ways, bringing this message back to me right now when I am on my own personal precipice.  I have spent the last year writing a new book and now need a publishing contract in order for it to fully serve the planet. That means I am being called to put myself out into the world in a much larger and more vivid way, letting go of old fears and ego issues that no longer serve me.

Clearly, it is time to leap. I see myself on tiptoes leaning forward into space about to push off. I can feel the wings beginning to form, but it is not until I fully push that they show up: bright blue large Isis wings with gold streaks throughout; big, grand powerful wings and ahhhhhh it is so much fun to flap them and soar!

How about you?  What is your cliff right now? The world is crying for us all to soar into our full power.  Each and every one of us is needed.  How do you want to jump off that precipice?  What color and size wings can you flap toward the heavens as together we create New Earth?

It has been quite a while since I have put out a newsletter.  With the exception of a Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School which I have been teaching with Carley Mattimore in Illinois, this has been an inner time for me.  My new book is about reclaiming ourselves as 5D humans, so I have been watching different dimensional aspects of myself as part of this process.

As with all of life, things go in cycles, and now it is time for me to focus outwardly both through things like newsletters and blogs, and offerings such as my upcoming phone class series: Sunday Courses to Ease Your Way based on topics to speed up our transformation.

I hope you will join me at noon on October 22nd for my Releasing Judgement & Self-Judgment class.  (scroll down for more information) This is a simple topic, yet a crucial practice for shifting us out of the dense frequency of our 3D world, so that we may all live in peace, harmony and well-being and soar into our highest potential.

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