It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since I’ve sent out a newsletter.   The last one was at the beginning of this year where I spoke of the process I went through to land a book contract for my latest book “Activating Your 5D Frequency:  A Guidebook for the Journey into Higher Dimensions.

That contract sent me on a new journey, jumping through some unexpected hoops of the publishing world which brought momentary anxiety, but then exhilaration at completing each challenge. It also brought the new experience of having a deadline for completing a book, which turned out to be effortless and stress-free to meet. As all of this was unfolding, something new in me unfolded as well.

One of my shadow beliefs was that my work would never get the full recognition it deserved, and I would never feel fully supported around it.  Yet, from the very start of this new book, everywhere I turned there were people enthusiastically cheering me on and “miracles” happening right and left.  The most dramatic one was when the publisher asked that I send the manuscript to Barbara Hand Clow because of some charts I was using. Barbara loved the book, and unexpectedly offered to write a Foreword.  She has been a huge influence on my multidimensional teachings, and the 9D Axis information she put forth in Alchemy of 9 Dimension is the foundational theory for Activating Your 5D Frequency, so this was huge support for my work.

Linda Star Wolf’s Foreword then became an Introduction and both their names are on the front cover with mine, which in and of itself will garner more attention for the book.  The publisher has shared they see it potentially being one of their top titles of the season.  My local bookstore, through a series of synchronicities has already contacted me to schedule a book launch when the book is released next May. That old wound which I believe I have carried for several lifetimes, is healing, and my sense of being fully aligned with the mission I’ve incarnated to fulfill is growing stronger and stronger, as my ego issues and old insecurities seem to have melted away.

It is such an interesting time on Planet Earth.  Many of us are seeing the fruits of our faith and inner work show up in our life, as we step ever more powerfully into self-sovereignty, follow our own inner compass and share our gifts with the world. Simultaneously, we are seeing the wounds of our collective shadow in full manifestation, the part of ourselves that doesn’t believe we are all interconnected, that anyone or any part of creation which is suffering and being dishonored impacts us all.  These parts of us are still operating off the conditioned patriarchal consciousness of “us vs them.” There is much suffering around the planet propelled by this:  all of it unnecessary.  The more of us who transform the collective shadow inside of us, the more joy and love we feed into the collective and the more likely we will create a New Earth based on love, peace and respect for all living beings including Mother Earth herself.

The question then arises for many of us, that in addition to doing our inner work, how do we stay aware and pro-active in helping our world heal this deep wound, without lowering our vibration, without stepping into the energy of anger and victim-consciousness that then feeds more suffering and makes us part of the problem rather than the solution.  Carolyn Oceana Ryan, of Ascension Times, offered a wonderful piece of wisdom through her guides about how important it is to keep our own frequency high while doing whatever we feel called to do to help out in these challenging times.  I refer back to this whenever the outer world threatens to bring me down.

Wondering how to manage your own frequency?  You might want to pre-order Activating Your 5D Frequency, where I offer readers numerous practical tools as well as visions of an Earth based on the higher dimensional vibration we all carry within our DNA.

You can pre-order the book at Amazon,  directly from the Publisher or if you are in the Sylva, NC area, support your local book store and order it from City Lights: (Local folks, I’ll be doing my book launch Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 at City Lights.)

Anyway, ponder where you are in your own process.  Are you working on bringing your own shadow beliefs into awareness so you can send them love, integrate them and therefore keep them from doing any harm while moving yourself to deeper levels of self-love?  Are you stepping more and more into your Self-Sovereignty so that the old conditioned responses no longer run the show of your life?  Are you transforming or feeling more ready to transform old beliefs that hold you back and keep your frequency lower?  If so, YAY!  You are in great company as more and more of us around the globe embark on this journey. Remember planetary transformation needs us all!

Love & blessings, and may the Force be with us all!

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