It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since I’ve sent out a newsletter.   The last one was at the beginning of this year where I spoke of the process I went through to land a book contract for my latest book “Activating Your 5D Frequency:  A Guidebook for the Journey into Higher Dimensions.

That contract sent me on a new journey, jumping through some unexpected hoops of the publishing world which brought momentary anxiety, but then exhilaration at completing each challenge. It also brought the new experience of having a deadline for completing a book, which turned out to be effortless and stress-free to meet. As all of this was unfolding, something new in me unfolded as well.

One of my shadow beliefs was that my work would never get the full recognition it deserved, and I would never feel fully supported around it.  Yet, from the very start of this new book, everywhere I turned there were people enthusiastically cheering me on and “miracles” happening right and left.  The most dramatic one was when the publisher asked that I send the manuscript to Barbara Hand Clow because of some charts I was using. Barbara loved the book, and unexpectedly offered to write a Foreword.  She has been a huge influence on my multidimensional teachings, and the 9D Axis information she put forth in Alchemy of 9 Dimension is the foundational theory for Activating Your 5D Frequency, so this was huge support for my work.

Linda Star Wolf’s Foreword then became an Introduction and both their names are on the front cover with mine, which in and of itself will garner more attention for the book.  The publisher has shared they see it potentially being one of their top titles of the season.  My local bookstore, through a series of synchronicities has already contacted me to schedule a book launch when the book is released next May. That old wound which I believe I have carried for several lifetimes, is healing, and my sense of being fully aligned with the mission I’ve incarnated to fulfill is growing stronger and stronger, as my ego issues and old insecurities seem to have melted away.

It is such an interesting time on Planet Earth.  Many of us are seeing the fruits of our faith and inner work show up in our life, as we step ever more powerfully into self-sovereignty, follow our own inner compass and share our gifts with the world. Simultaneously, we are seeing the wounds of our collective shadow in full manifestation, the part of ourselves that doesn’t believe we are all interconnected, that anyone or any part of creation which is suffering and being dishonored impacts us all.  These parts of us are still operating off the conditioned patriarchal consciousness of “us vs them.” There is much suffering around the planet propelled by this:  all of it unnecessary.  The more of us who transform the collective shadow inside of us, the more joy and love we feed into the collective and the more likely we will create a New Earth based on love, peace and respect for all living beings including Mother Earth herself.

The question then arises for many of us, that in addition to doing our inner work, how do we stay aware and pro-active in helping our world heal this deep wound, without lowering our vibration, without stepping into the energy of anger and victim-consciousness that then feeds more suffering and makes us part of the problem rather than the solution.  Carolyn Oceana Ryan, of Ascension Times, offered a wonderful piece of wisdom through her guides about how important it is to keep our own frequency high while doing whatever we feel called to do to help out in these challenging times.  I refer back to this whenever the outer world threatens to bring me down.

Wondering how to manage your own frequency?  You might want to pre-order Activating Your 5D Frequency, where I offer readers numerous practical tools as well as visions of an Earth based on the higher dimensional vibration we all carry within our DNA.

You can pre-order the book at Amazon,  directly from the Publisher or if you are in the Sylva, NC area, support your local book store and order it from City Lights: (Local folks, I’ll be doing my book launch Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 at City Lights.)

Anyway, ponder where you are in your own process.  Are you working on bringing your own shadow beliefs into awareness so you can send them love, integrate them and therefore keep them from doing any harm while moving yourself to deeper levels of self-love?  Are you stepping more and more into your Self-Sovereignty so that the old conditioned responses no longer run the show of your life?  Are you transforming or feeling more ready to transform old beliefs that hold you back and keep your frequency lower?  If so, YAY!  You are in great company as more and more of us around the globe embark on this journey. Remember planetary transformation needs us all!

Love & blessings, and may the Force be with us all!


It’s been an amazing ride since my last newsletter in late August.  For those of you who are following my process, I was about to re-submit a book proposal to Inner Traditions Publishing (Bear & Company) in hopes of getting a book contract for my latest book: Larger than Life;  Becoming the 5D Human You Are Meant to Be.

Inner Traditions gets swamped with proposals.  The first time I submitted, after many synchronicities and help from my friend and neighbor, Linda Star Wolf, I received feedback that it was looking good.  Then I heard… nothing.  No response to my emails.  Ultimately I gave up hoping there was a contract in my future.

What I did find out from their pre-order catalog was that they were publishing a book called Waking Up in 5D which sounded uncannyingly similar to mine. When I finally read the book upon its release, I found it was not the same.  It turns out that Larger than Life would be its perfect companion. Waking Up in 5D focuses on our spiritual development, while Larger than Life looks deeply into the psychological, emotional and social changes, each with their inherent challenges, posed by this next evolutionary step. Each book provides an important contribution about evolving into humans who will hold a 5th dimensional frequency, embodying the consciousness of Oneness and Unconditional Love, and from there transform our planet.

With the awareness, I deliberated ad nauseam, if I wanted to send in a new proposal.  (no doubt a argument between my 3D and 5D self). Finally, I got a clear internal message that no matter what the outcome, the re-submission process would give me more vibrancy and growth and so with a renewed sense of purpose, I rewrote a proposal which I submitted in early September.  A few weeks later, I got word, via Star Wolf who has published several books with Inner Traditions and has sent them many authors, that once again, it was looking good.  And once again, more time passed and I heard…nothing.  Two months went by. I became certain they were not going to take the book. (the submission information on their website says if you don’t hear in 2 months, they are not interested.). I grieved.  I despaired.  I found tidbits of hopefulness that I might have connections with other publishers.  I despaired some more, feeling that my work was not destined to get the recognition I believe it deserves.  Since I know I create my reality, I worked with all the parts of myself I could find that might sabotage me, and then despaired I would not transform them quickly enough in this lifetime.

By early December, I was able to recoup and start looking at other options.  A week later, I emailed a woman who had a small press, hoping that she might express interest.  I was also getting clarity that this book needed to be available to the public by late 2019, or early 2020, and that if I couldn’t find a publisher, I would just self-publish it.  The next day, I returned home from town went to my computer and to my literal shock there was an email from the Acquisitions Editor at Inner Traditions which began with “I’m sorry…” (my mind immediately computing this was an official rejection) and continued with “…it took so long to get back to you… we’d like to offer you a contract!”  I could not believe it.  I had totally let it go!  It actually took me several hours to feel embodied around what had just happened.

I had known all along this was my sacred purpose, and wanted this work to be published by Inner Traditions.  Apparently though, my old wounds and self-doubts had to arise and be quelled, and my ego needed to let it go, before I could see this manifested in the physical.  But manifest it did!  Larger than Life will be out in Spring of next year!  I hope this inspires those of you struggling with similar issues.  We are all part of a massive 5D team, forming an energy around the planet, each of us with an important part to play, to bring a New Earth, based on peace, love, kindness and harmony, into being.  If you are not yet feeling like you are making your full contribution, I encourage you not to give up.  Keep plugging along with as much faith as you can muster, knowing that the Universe might have to mess with you a bit, but if you are clear and intent about your personal mission, whether it be ‘big’ or ‘small’, you will manifest.

Other news:  Below you will find information about an exciting workshop Ruby Falconer and I are offering this Spring:  Awakening Your Cosmic DNA,  an experience designed to en-lighten you at a cellular level.  The workshop will take place in Isis Cove, near Asheville, NC in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains.  I’m looking forward to co-creating this with Ruby, who is a brilliant teacher, counselor, astrologer and co-author of the book:  Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods.  Join us to

  • *Learn more about your multidimensional nature & potential
  • *Connect with your Star Ancestry
  • *Explore time fluidity & future timelines
  • *Merge with your 5thdimensional human expression.
  • *Envision New Earth and your role in its co-creation.

Click here for more information and to register.

I have also extended a super discount for my online course Empowering the Spirit. Scroll below for details and to register.

And lastly, you will find some interesting offerings from my friends and colleagues. Joe Landwehr and Linda Star Wolf.

Wishing everyone and Planet Earth a transformative and joyful 2019.


Time is flying forward, Mars was going backwards. We’ve all had time to strengthen our “wings.”

Fall is just around the corner and summer’s passing is taking me by surprise.  It’s been a very busy time with time speeding by, yet when I look back, it seems like June was a very long time ago. Just another indicator I suppose, of the time acceleration going on for our planet and the illusory nature of 3D time.

Mars and Mercury were retrograde most of the summer and there were 3 powerful eclipses.  Whether this was challenging or growth-producing or both depends on how we work with these energies.  Both Mars and Mercury retrogrades suggest a wonderful time to go within, a powerful time to bring up old out-moded patterns to heal at a deeper level, and to prepare to soar higher now that these planets have turned direct.  The timing for me worked perfectly.

Many of you know that I’ve been working on a third book.  It came to me in a flash 2 years ago while at our annual 2-week ocean retreat. (Or ‘re-cation’ as my husband insists we call it in order to not cancel out the vacation part.)  I had no conscious intention to start writing it but it came anyway as I sat at the bedroom desk in front of the window just a hair’s breath from the sea.  Maybe it was the rolling and crashing of the waves that loosened my psyche and maybe it was the inner quiet which comes from ‘nothing I have to do’ that allowed my Spirit to speak more loudly and clearly to me. Whatever it was, this book has been rolling out, ebbing and flowing like the ocean, and bringing me to a whole new level of growth which really culminated this summer.

I am about to send in a resubmission to Inner Traditions publishing in hopes that they will decide to publish this book.  The “re” is a long story, but what is most relevant here is the latest part of my process which I hope in sharing will inspire you as well.

For many months I metaphorically banged my head against the wall trying to decide what I should do about this book.  It’s close to done, so I knew I would finish it, but the idea of writing another proposal and adding some things that needed to be added felt daunting.  I have just turned 72.  I have done a lot in my life and believe I have served the planet well.  I tried to convince myself that I didn’t have to do much more, that it wasn’t necessary to step anything up:  I could always just put the book on kindle and let it be found by whoever might benefit, indulging my inner slacker in the process.

But this book wanted more notice, and would not let me be.  Cognitively, I felt concerned that if I did not step it up in this lifetime, if I did not put in the effort and take a chance to increase my influence  in the world that my soul would not have completed its mission.  Emotionally I felt no energy to write the proposal, and anyway I was doing a lot of other things including teaching many of the insights coming through in this book.  So for Summer Solstice, with the intent of solving this internal dilemma, I came up with these questions to journal on.

“If I knew 100% that I did not have to get out in a bigger way into the world or get this book published in order to fulfill my spiritual contract, what would I really want to do?” and “What does it mean to me if I don’t manifest my soul’s highest potential in this lifetime?”  Surprisingly, the most significant insight I got was that the soul contract piece was not the most relevant, but if I want vibrancy and growth in my life, I had to do this.  That was all I needed: no way was I going to avoid vibrancy and growth.  Once the decision was made, everything else flowed together with ease.  If Inner Traditions accepts the book, that will be wonderful.  If not, I know in my heart it was the very best thing for me to do.  I’ll grieve and then move on to find other ways to help it grow in the world.

There’s another piece of growth that has occurred as well that feels equally important.  I have begun to identify small ways I have held myself back out of self-consciousness and a desire to avoid feeling vulnerable.  I was afraid to do videos to promote my work because of how I might look or sound publicly.  I was hesitant to do certain types of networking because I might be taking up too much of people’s time.  I didn’t like the feeling of vulnerability and so I would reflexively avoid it.  Avoiding it however, created a sense of being stuck, of not making my full contribution.  As I’ve gone through this summer’s venture, this has all disappeared.  Once I made an inner commitment to not care if I feel vulnerable, I find if I start to go back to the old avoidance pattern, I can remind myself I am fine if I feel scared or unsure, and then I just do it anyway.  By stepping it up and facing any fear of feeling shame, something profound has shifted, and I’m feeling remarkably free in areas that I had not before!

I’ve now made some promotional videos which soon will be on YouTube promoting the new options and special discount for my online Empowering the Spirit course. (See more information below) They turned out pretty good for a first try.  But given the shift I felt inside this summer, I would have kept doing them no matter what.

I am also going to be offering a free FaceBook Live preview for this course on Tuesday, September 25th at 6:00 EDT.  It’s another form of video and because it is live, there is plenty of opportunity for interaction.  I’d love it if you would all tune in. Go to my Empowering the Spirit page on FaceBook and be sure to ‘like’ it to automatically be notified.

I will be starting my Sunday Courses to Ease Your Way phone courses again on November 11th (lots of travel between now and then), and plan to offer at least one or two new ones.  “Owning and Integrating Our Shadow Parts” is definitely on the list of new offerings..

We’re getting ready to head off for another beach “re-cation,” and I’m curious as always about what magic might pop up for me this year.

Wishing you all vibrancy and growth and, of course, joy in your life.



AHHH… I just emerged from a 54-hour silent retreat.  My husband was away this weekend and I was blessed to have our beautiful home to myself.  I knew before he left that I was going to stay in silence until his return.  I even emailed my community that if they saw me on my daily walk, I would be happy to wave, but not to speak.  What I hadn’t planned, until Dennis actually left, was that I would also cover up my clocks, doing my best to step outside the constraints of linear time.  I also didn’t realize that I was preparing to dive into some of the mysteries of my own consciousness in preparation for teaching my upcoming mystery school with my dear friend, Carley Mattimore.

My ultimate intent was to live each possible moment from the inside-out.  In the silence, I could fully listen to my body and Spirit, eating when I was hungry, dancing when I needed to move, even momentarily stepping out of my clothes and dancing in the cold rain on my deck because I was drawn to do that.  I had no outer obligations, and nothing but the habits of my mind to take me out of moving fully with my own inner rhythms.  Yes… it was heaven.

As each day wore on, I would build a fire in our wood stove.  What I had not realized was that living in silence, outside of time, I would be able to connect with fire in a whole new way.  First, it was all I had to do: build the fire and sit with it until I was sure that it no longer needed my help.  We have a glass door on our stove, so it was easy to watch and be present with.  I noticed immediately as I was getting the kindling going, that not all the kindling would ignite.  I had thrown in a fire starter and the starter would create sparks but many of the sparks would fizzle out. The kindling which did ignite then had to be placed properly so that it had the space and the oxygen it needed to keep burning. From there its flames could begin to spread out, re-spark, and ultimately ignite the kindling where earlier sparks had died.  Eventually all the kindling would ignite the larger logs to provide me the warmth I was seeking.  Even then, the fire would need to be periodically fed, tended to.

It dawned on me that this was, as always, perfect timing.  The next segment of the Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery school I teach is connected with the Fire element.  We have already been through 2 segments, Water and Earth, and this 3rd is coming up in mid-April.  As I watched the fire that I was building, I began to make the connections relevant for our next round of entering the mysteries:  not all the sparks from our visions are going to ignite.  Some may fizzle at first.  But those that ignite, if properly fed, if properly oxygenated, can use the inspiring and transformative energy of the fire to support smaller visions as well, and together with proper tending, our full vision is prepared to warm the world.

This mystery school segment will occur shortly after the Spring Equinox, the time of perfect balance between dark & light, between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine.  When we too can embody this balance, we will be living our lives from the inside-out, simultaneously igniting and feeding our visions to shift and heal our planet, while staying in full alignment with the natural rhythms of our heart.

We are forming a new circle of our mystery school in late April.  This is a profound opportunity to dive into the depths of your wisdom and creativity as you activate your own visions, readying them to move into the world.  There is still room for you in our new circle.  Here are some things our current participants have said about their experience:

  • “Magical”   “Life Changing”    “…has helped me widen my vision to see beyond my normal perspective of the world, the universe, and myself …so blessed to have had this opportunity”   “I have experienced an evolution of growth from within my essence and among kindred spirits.”  “The energy of Oneness amplifies the mysteries, inspiring my own self-realization, development, vision and divinity.”    “The sacred container of mystery school honors the wisdom in each of us to hold a unique yet collaborative piece as we dove into the mysteries and I experienced my Universal Wisdom in its full unfolding boldness”. “I felt the empowerment of grace to create and support a world of 5th dimensional love and being.”

The extended early bird discount runs out on March 15th so Register soon.. I’ve added the flyer and information below so you can spend time feeling into this emerging circle to see if it is right for you.

Other upcoming offerings include my next Sunday Phone Course to Ease Your Way: TRANSFORMING PERFECTION happening Sunday, April 8th from noon – 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time.  I hope you will join me.

Wishing you a wonderful step into Spring, and a fully-ignited life lived in balance from the inside-out.  Your visions can warm us all.



I have just emerged from a powerful Shakti women’s retreat run by Linda Star Wolf.  A circle of 25 women, over a period of 3-1/2 days, gathered to own and activate our Shakti, the Sacred Feminine Force of Creation.  In 3D, Shakti power is activated from our womb whether from the physical womb or from the etheric womb carried by both men and women. The activated energy then gets run through the heart to prepare it to emerge in its most loving and highly evolved form into the world.  Its manifestation is limitless and is part of our most intimate sexual expression as well as our individualized passion to join in the collective transformation of our Planet.

Our collective separation and therefore disconnection from Oneness is the ultimate source of pain and suffering in our world.  It is the ultimate source of the distorted psyche which wants to dominate others, and rape and pillage Mother Earth for ephemeral financial gain.  Activating our Shakti with the intent of helping ourselves as well as all others reconnect, is a force that simply cannot be stopped.

Shakti is rising all over the planet whether through the “pussy power” of the Women’s March, or the planetary rise of the Sacred Feminine which is showing up in a myriad of ways.  Shakti carries the energy of death and rebirth, helping us release with ease all that needs to die to the new, and ultimately leads us to
unity where we understand and honor that we are all part of one another with the full understanding that when one of us is suffering, we all suffer.

This force is surging around our globe and if enough of us can bring our fully activated Shakti energy through our hearts and show up at the “party”, the old dysfunction will fall away and a New Earth based on love, harmony, peace as well as honor and respect for all of life will step into ascendence. Once this happens, I believe that in a blink of an eye we will heal all the old trauma both personal and planetary, and we will create a world of exquisite beauty where all have their needs met and simultaneously are able and excited do their part, and to share their gifts.

The message for me from my womb was “it is time for the Breakthrough, time to be as big as I am.”  And breaking through means breaking out of old beliefs and restrictions, activating courage and inner trust to be fully in your power, to have full access to your Shakti so that you too will be making the contribution your soul came here to make.

Speaking of breaking out and breaking through, I want to invite you all to consider joining the new circle for our Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School that Carley Mattimore and I are teaching in IL.  Our first circle has been so amazing and so visionary, we felt Called to begin a second one this April.  There are still spaces available. See the flyer below and click here for detailed information.  Entering these mysteries will help you step into the human you were always meant to be.  Register by March 1st for the early bird discount.

Check out my “Sunday Phone Classes to Ease Your Way.”  My next offering is “Allowing Loved Ones Their Journey,” on Sunday, February 11th from noon – 1 EST.  I hope you will join me.

And last, but not least, scroll down to the very bottom to see offerings from some of my favorite soul sisters.


Making Time Behave

With the busyness of modern life and my work goals crashing head-long into the demands of the holiday season, I’m occasionally finding myself on the edge of overwhelm wondering just how all that I need and want to take care of will, in fact, happen. Stress is more of a paralyzer than motivator for me. I have an intense need to be in flow (well don’t we all?). I find that if I am disconnected from the flow, I actually get less done rather than more.

It all comes down to my relationship to time: how I experience it and how spend it. Time can stretch or contract depending on which level of consciousness I view it from. When I perceive life from a higher level of consciousness, what I call 5D consciousness, being in the flow is a natural byproduct. I’m able to mosey through my day and do things as they arise. I find that my creativity flows, all gets done and I feel open, relaxed and content. If I am in a more contracted state of mind, my experience is more like spinning in place, feeling out of sync and unfocused.

So, I’m pondering what it is that helps me be in the flow verses being in the overwhelm, or put another way, in 5D verses 3D consciousness. Quieting my mind is first and foremost. Taking several deep centering breaths. Doing yoga. Writing out what needs to be done, and starting to tackle it. But what works the very best for me is taking the time to journal on those pesky thoughts and feelings, essentially giving them to the computer screen (or paper). This consistently work wonders for me.

I understand that for many of you it may seem difficult to just take the ‘time’ to do these things, even to find out what works best for you, but from my experience, it is a wonderful way to shift out of linear time and into perceptual time where you can trust in the cycle of things, stay present and alert, get more done and know that things will all work out as needed and that there is always enough time.

If you are a person who commits to too much, I urge you to extract yourself from some of those obligations as soon as possible. I also encourage you to use your own creativity to keep, return or put yourself in that flow.

The whole concept of a holiday season is the idea that we can step out of our ordinary life, that we can take a break, a vacation from our routines and demands. Ironic because for so many, it has just the opposite effect. We all deserve that break. We all deserve to feel flow in our lives and we all have the power to ultimately make time behave.

Remember, joy is our birth right and transforming the beliefs, attitudes and physical demands that rob us of this joy in our lives deserves to be a high priority. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a 2018 that fulfills your highest vision. But most important: HAVE A GOOD TIME.


Leap and Grow Wings
A few days ago, I had made a delightful re-connection with a woman who I counseled close to 30 years ago, just before she moved away and we lost touch. Through synchronicity, she later became a student of my soul sister and now neighbor, Anyaa McAndrew, and in a random conversation they discovered they both shared a connection with me.
This week she was visiting Isis Cove and we got to catch up in person.  We talked about what we remembered of each other.  She told me something I said back then that had stayed with her and she that she had shared with many people.
At the time, she was struggling with an image of herself standing at the edge of a cliff.  If she turned back she would be going into a dark, dense place that no longer served her, but if she went forward she would fall off the cliff. I suggested that she leap and simultaneously grow wings.  And so she did.

The Universe works in such interesting ways, bringing this message back to me right now when I am on my own personal precipice.  I have spent the last year writing a new book and now need a publishing contract in order for it to fully serve the planet. That means I am being called to put myself out into the world in a much larger and more vivid way, letting go of old fears and ego issues that no longer serve me.

Clearly, it is time to leap. I see myself on tiptoes leaning forward into space about to push off. I can feel the wings beginning to form, but it is not until I fully push that they show up: bright blue large Isis wings with gold streaks throughout; big, grand powerful wings and ahhhhhh it is so much fun to flap them and soar!

How about you?  What is your cliff right now? The world is crying for us all to soar into our full power.  Each and every one of us is needed.  How do you want to jump off that precipice?  What color and size wings can you flap toward the heavens as together we create New Earth?

It has been quite a while since I have put out a newsletter.  With the exception of a Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School which I have been teaching with Carley Mattimore in Illinois, this has been an inner time for me.  My new book is about reclaiming ourselves as 5D humans, so I have been watching different dimensional aspects of myself as part of this process.

As with all of life, things go in cycles, and now it is time for me to focus outwardly both through things like newsletters and blogs, and offerings such as my upcoming phone class series: Sunday Courses to Ease Your Way based on topics to speed up our transformation.

I hope you will join me at noon on October 22nd for my Releasing Judgement & Self-Judgment class.  (scroll down for more information) This is a simple topic, yet a crucial practice for shifting us out of the dense frequency of our 3D world, so that we may all live in peace, harmony and well-being and soar into our highest potential.