- 12/6 My Inner Knowing Podcast with Walker Bird and Theresa Hubbard
- 4/18 Everything Imaginable- Unity Manifest Podcast
- 11/15 Everyday Embodiment Master Class with Suzy Finnefrock
- 8/17 Raise the Vibe with Liz Peterson
- 4/11 In The Light – Growing Your Soul with Ana Isabel
- 4/3 The Frequency Keepers with Leoni Van Rooy
- 2/7 OMTimes Radio: Voice Rising Show with Kara Johnstad
- 9/24 Closer to Venus with Johnny Burke (recorded 5/18/21)
- 8/29 Spiritual Rock Star Podcast with Daniel Hanneman
- 8/24 Your Divine Uniqueness Telesummit with Moncef Afkir
- 4/19 Merkaba Chakra Podcast with Von Galt
- 4/14 Everything Imaginable; A Podcast for Curious Minds (Recorded 4/5/21)
- 4/4 The Authentic Woman You Are Online Series with Jennifer Ackad
- 11/29 MasterHeart Visionary Book Fair with Dr. Cara Gubbins
- 9/22 The Soul Rising Project podcast with Dana Whitby (Recorded 6/6/20)
- 9/21 Inspiration from Spirit with Lea Chapin (Goldylocks productions)
- 9/1 Conscious Talk with Brenda Michaels and Rob Spears (Recorded 8/18/20)
- Interview no longer available
- 8/19 Soul Driven Podcast with Ahna Hendrix (Recorded 8/5/20)
- 8/6 Jim Harold Media
- Interview no longer available
- 7/22 The Leak Project with Kristen Bear
- “How to Become a 5-D Being, Decoding Dimensions with Judith Corvin-Blackburn“
- Interview no longer available
- 6/25 Podcast: Get over It! with Monique Chapman (Recorded 6/1/20)
- 6/16 World Spirituality with Paul John Roach (Recorded 5/28/20)
- “Activating Your 5D Frequency“
- Interview no longer available
- 6/10 The Donna Seebo Show (Recorded 5/26/20)
- Interview no longer available
- 5/20 The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade
- 5/8 Global Heart with Esther Haasnoot
- 12/5 Scorpio Moon Astrology
- “Scorpio Moon asks Judith Corvin-Blackburn“
- Interview no longer available
- Conversations that Heal with Susan Jacobi
- Inspiration from Spirit with Lea Chapin
- Interview no longer available
- 9/1-8 Radiant Being of Light Summit with Helena De La Rosa
- 5/10 Revolutionary Empath Summit with Dr. Stephanie Red Feather
- 2/23 Edgar Cayce Annual Conference: Opening Presenter
- 11/2 With Hearts Wide Open Global Event: with Kathy Forrest
- 10/21 Living In 5D Virtual Summit: MoonGoddessSanctum
- “Activating Your 5D Light Codes” and “Envisioning Life on Our 5D Planet”
- 5/10-19 Quantum Home Sanctuary Summit II
- Quantum Healing Geniuses Reveal Conscious Ascension Secrets To Automatically Reset Harmony, Prosperity, Immunity and Deep Sleep
- 2/8-22 Alchemy of Ascension III Summit:
- Harmonizing Light & Shadow to Embody Your Mystical Power and Purpose
Meditations & Teachings
A selection of Judith’s meditations and teachings can be found on her YouTube Channel:
- Planetary Healing Meditation (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2022)
- Imagining and Remembering a Loving Heart-Based World (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2022)
- Accessing the Wisdom of Your Future Self (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2021)
- Meeting and Neutralizing Our Inner Judge (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2021)
- Experiencing Your Multidimensionality on the 9D Axis (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2020)
- Envisioning Our 5D Planet (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2020)
- Activating Your 5D Light Codes (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2020)
- Co-Creating New Earth: The Planet We All Deserve to Live On (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2020)
- Dancing with Fear Meditation (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2020)
- Soul Contracts Meditations (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2015)
- Self-Love and Empowerment (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2015)
- Accessing the Wisdom of Our Chakras (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2015)
- Living in Abundance (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2015)
- Welcoming Our Magnificence (Judith Corvin-Blackburn, 2015)
- Featured book in Kindred Spirit print & online magazine from the UK. JAN/FEB 2021
- Love is All You Need. By Judith Corvin-Blackburn. Published by Evolving Magazine: A Guide for Conscious Living. 2019.
To visit Judith’s Blog Site please click here.
2014 IPSI eLitAward for Empowering the Spirit: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential
- Gold medal winner: First place in New Age/Mind-Body-Spirit
Social Media and Contact Information
Facebook: Empowering the Spirit
Judith’s Personal Facebook Page
Instagram: @judithcorvinblackburn
YouTube: WisdomWithinUs
Phone: 217-414-2463
New Renaissance Bookshop Interview: 6/10/20 |
This week, we had the joy of interviewing Judith Corvin Blackburn on what it means to step into our 5D potential during this transformative time on our planet. Judith is an award-winning author, nationally known teacher and transpersonal psychotherapist. She will be offering a live Zoom Event this coming Sunday based on her new book, Activating Your 5D Frequency: A Guidebook for the Journey into Higher Dimensions. Online Zoom Event! Activating Your 5D Frequency: Stepping into Who You are Meant to Be with Judith Corvin-Blackburn Sunday, June 14, 3-4:30PM, $25Benefit Event: 80% of Proceeds Will Go to Support New Renaissance How does 5th dimensional living relate to the times we are currently in? We are in a Collective crisis which holds both danger and opportunity. There is a mass global awakening while simultaneously the forces of the old, cruel dysfunctional ways attempt to wield their power to dominate others. We have dishonored Mother Earth to the point where she may no longer be able to support human life. We have the power to reverse all of this.The journey into owning our 5th dimensional potential is available to everyone who chooses. Many call this Ascension. When enough of us choose to hold all in compassion while no longer tolerating the old ways, to empower ourselves and act courageously no matter how scared we may be, the old world will disintegrate. Our resourcefulness and creativity will clean up our planet. We will create loving policies to honor all humans, our Earth and all living creatures. What does it mean to be a 5D human? 5D humans live from their heart’s wisdom, feel fully empowered and emit unconditional love for themselves and all others. From 5D consciousness, we know we are interconnected with all of Creation. 5D humans live in vibrancy and joyfulness, with ongoing access to unbridled creativity. This allows all beings to thrive!We are genetically designed to be 5D and several millennia before recorded history, we were. We are now re-activating our DNA codes to reclaim those lost gifts which include highly developed empathic and psychic abilities. This reclamation process also consists of healing our emotional wounds, identifying and integrating our personal and collective shadow (an ongoing process), to keep our emotional energy field clear, so higher dimensional portals can remain open. What led you to write Activating Your 5D Frequency?This book was a surprise. I had no intention of writing another book. But shortly before Activating started coming through, I had been re-inspired to teach multidimensionality and had co-created a Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School, teaching that we were collectively in an evolutionary process to reclaim ourselves as 5D humans, and from 5D consciousness to create New Earth.Then my husband and I went on our annual 2-week ocean vacation/retreat. This is a time when I deepen my spiritual connection and envision my next steps. The house we rented had a writing table facing the ocean and I would get on my computer daily to journal. Three days into this, I started the book. By the time I returned home, the first chapter was complete, and the rest was ready to spill out. It really was a magical experience |