Welcome to Empowering the Spirit


Warm Greetings To You

My passion is to guide and empower people to reconnect with their Spirit and multidimensional potential, to find their true Self which has been hidden behind conditioning, trauma, wounding and dysfunctional collective beliefs. This reconnection creates a profound sense of healing & well-being in all aspects of life increasing the well-being of all on our planet. I offer inspirational books, online courses, spiritual development workshops, webinars and holistic psychotherapy services to aid and inspire you on your journey.


Judith is excited to have her latest book, Entering Earth’s New Reality in the final stages of publication!

If you want to see a quick video of Judith having signed her new book contract with Inner Traditions Publishing, check out this video…




A Self-Directed Course to Unleash Your Soul’s Full Potential

Empowering the Spirit ONLINE will unleash your full soul potential, take you more fully into both your authentic self and your sacred purpose, and activate your co-creative abilities in a way that not only transforms your life, but life on our planet. You will be guided through a deep process of transformation to explore the psychological and spiritual issues that have propelled your life, and be given numerous tools to shift any dysfunction that stands in your way of achieving optimal health in body, mind, emotion and Spirit.  It is a companion process to my award-winning book:  EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential  

As part of the evolutionary shift occurring on the planet, we are being guided to activate the full power of our spirit, calming our ego and living from our heart in order to fulfill our sacred contracts. This online course will teach you to ignite your soul’s full potential through an original process of self-inquiry designed to activate deep levels of healing, self-awareness and higher states of consciousness and to provide models of how to live in alignment with new earth frequencies.

In this video you can listen to Judith as she briefly describes the course and talks of her own experience with it.


During the course, Judith will respond personally via email to every assignment you submit from your student bulletin board to deepen your transformative experience.

You also have total scheduling flexibility, “attending” your class at whatever time works best for you. This course is designed to last six weeks but the material will be available to you for a full year, allowing you to work with it at your own pace. Course fee is $306.

Are you ready to unleash your soul’s full power?  Are you longing to let your Spirit lead your way?  Now is the time to take this profound journey in learning how to tap into your own wisdom and power and activate your soul’s true potential! To experience some meditations from the course, please go to Judith’s YouTube channel:  Wisdom Within Us 

Full Course Information

Click for Testimonials





Order Activating Your 5D Frequency Now

“I hope this marvelous book will reach millions to open minds and hearts to dimensional creative potential and human responsibility. Judith has given me hope, and now she offers it to you.”

Barbara Hand Clow



Order Empowering the Spirit Now

“Chock full of relevant information, insights that inspire, and tools and processes that accomplish their intentions, this book delivers!”

Nicki Scully



Here you are provided with a 1-hour session to identify and begin to transform blockages and fears that keep you from expressing your soul’s gifts and missions in this lifetime. Through looking at your astrological birth chart and transits, a questionnaire that you will fill out ahead of time, along with Judith’s psychotherapeutic expertise and intuitive guidance, you will experience a new sense of personal clarity and vision as you connect more strongly to your soul’s purpose. Cost is $175 per session. 

Email Judith at healingconcepts@hotmail.com to schedule a session.





A 4-week Zoom Class to Claim Who We’ve Come Here to Be

Register Here!

Next date to be announced…

More and more of us are becoming aware that Earth is not our ancestral home. We are sensing or remembering living in advanced, loving, and harmonious worlds – worlds of highly developed technologies, where all of creation is honored. 

While we love this beautiful planet, we have been appalled at the pain, suffering, injustice, and abuse going on for millennia.  We’ve been called to reincarnate on Earth at this time to bring our star wisdom and consciousness back here once again, as we did in Lemuria and Atlantis. 

This is a challenging journey.  The more we understand it and support ourselves and each other through these challenges, the stronger our 5D vibration and the 5D vibration of the Earth becomes, which brings us ever closer to creating the spiritually awakened planet we all deserve to live on.

Watch an excerpt from the class

Join me for this 4-week class, Sundays 2:30 – 4:00 Eastern Daylight time.  All classes are recorded and available to all students the day after each class.  Course fee is $225.00.  Early bird fee is $175.00. 

Each weekly class will include teachings, guided meditations and group sharing. 

Students will:

  • Explore your soul origin and how it relates to this lifetime
  • Deepen Your Navigational Tools to Move Through Personal & Collective Polarity
  • Step More fully into Unity Consciousness and Heart Wisdom
  • Identify and Break Through Fears and Resistances
  • Access Pre-birth Agreements to Carry Out Your Current Mission
  • Light Up More of Your Star DNA

Click here for Student Testimonials


Email Judith at healingconcepts@hotmail.com for any questions or concerns.




Becoming A 5th Dimensional Human On Planet Earth

Current Circle is FULL… Next Circle begins Spring 2025

From the sacred roar of the lions, the consciousness of the 9-dimensional axis, & your own guides and heart-wisdom, this process will create a depth of transformation that will surprise even the most advanced seekers!

This school will be taught in 4 segments and each segment will include indigenous and star consciousness teachings, a new relationship with time and with our soul experiences, inner journeying, and a new collective vision for ourselves and our world. The current segment date begins in Spring of 2025, with the specific dates to be announced.

Join Judith and Carley on this unique journey to open portals to your true multidimensional nature and in turn, new ways to bring forth New Earth.

    • Raise your frequency: Light up your DNA
    • Connect with the wisdom of the lion and activate your inner authority
    • Step into the bigger version of your soul
    • Gain a deeper understanding of the gifts you bring to help the world evolve into a higher octave of unity and love
    • Live by your heart’s wisdom
    • Ignite Earth and Star Consciousness Within

Comments from past students:

Magical” “Life Changing”  “…has helped me widen my vision to see beyond my normal perspective of the world, the universe, and myself and open my heart in love and grace. I am so blessed to have had this opportunity” “I have experienced an evolution of growth from within my essence and among kindred spirits.”  “The energy of oneness amplifies the mysteries, inspiring my own self-realization, development, vision and divinity.”  “The sacred container of mystery school honors the wisdom in each of us to create the circle; the puzzle of each holds a unique yet collaborative piece. I felt held in the insecure places and challenges as we dove in to the mysteries and experienced my Universal Wisdom in its full unfolding boldness” “Felt the empowerment of grace to create and support a world of 5th dimensional love and being.”

Carley Mattimore and Judith Corvin-Blackburn are gifted, seasoned teachers who bring deep intuitive wisdom, and empowering compassion to their teachings.

To learn more click HERE



A Zoom Course to Activate Your 5D Frequency
Next date to be announced
Registration is Open

For thousands of years, our star ancestry, which provided us with a high consciousness nature, was shut down. During this time, most humans have only been able to access two out of our 12 strands of DNA. Stuck in the duality of lower dimensional frequencies, suffering abounded.  Now is the time to reverse this, to reclaim who we are meant to be and more actively participate in creating New Earth.

This 10-week course will take you to a deeper and more personalized experience of this very exciting evolutionary passage as outlined in my book, Activating Your 5D Frequency. The course takes place over two sections, Part One and Part Two. All classes will take place on Sundays, from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Part One: runs for 6 Weeks
Fee: $225. Early bird: $175

Part Two: runs for 4 Weeks
Fee: $175. Early bird by: $135


Combined sign up for Parts 1 and 2: $295. Early Bird: $250
You do not have to take Part 1, to sign up for Part 2

Each weekly class, based on a chapter from Activating Your 5D Frequency, will include a guided meditation, teaching and group sharing.  You will tap into your ancestral memory and inner wisdom to:
  • Understand and shift fears keeping you from your 5D birthright
  • Experience yourself more fully as a multidimensional being
  • Transform beliefs that keep you stuck in 3D consciousness
  • Activate and connect with your unique contribution to creating New Earth
  • Share a group experience of visioning with your 5D global team to bring the 5D frequencies onto our plane 

Course fees and Early Bird fees are detailed above.  If you are a subscriber, you can put in your coupon code and get the discounted early bird price on the registration page. If you have not yet subscribed, go here to do so.  You will then be eligible to use the coupon.

All classes are recorded and available the day after the live class.

Register Now




Check out my YouTube channel:  WISDOM WITHIN US for inspiring meditations, teachings & more


To check out my most recent interview, click here.


Click here for Press/Media Kit for Judith Corvin-Blackburn